Feeling that something is missing?

We know something is missing from our lives. We try everything the world recommends to fill that void, work, sex, drugs (prescription and other), crystals, technology, and on and on, but it's still empty...

What if the answer has been there all along?

The one thing that we absolutely won't try is God. Why is that?

Are we afraid? Of what exactly?

Maybe, just maybe, billions of people over thousands of years are right.

What if God is standing there, just waiting for us to turn to Him?

What do we really have to lose? Why not Give God a Try?

Where Do I Begin?

Let God Interrupt Your Day

Even when we want to let God into our lives, we often get overwhelmed in the chaos and conflicting duties of our daily lives. Why not use technology to bring us back to God and give us a moment of peace?

Seek Spiritual Guidance

Even if we've had a less than helpful experience with organized religion before, reaching out to someone we trust can help us take that first step toward a relationship with God.

Take a Moment of Silence

Maybe you aren't ready for anything formal. Just take a few minutes to sit quietly (maybe you have to do this in the middle of the night, or early in the morning, or in the bathroom) to calm your mind and open it to the possibility that God really is reaching for you.

When you've tried everything else and are still missing something, why not give God a try?

You have nothing to lose but everything to gain!